Osteochondrosis is a serious problem that requires immediate treatment. And many wonder: Is it possible to treat osteochondrosis? . Of course, this disease is not fatal and can be treated. There are two ways to treat osteochondrosis:
- business?
- conservative.
Operative involves performing an operation. It is resorted to only in extreme cases, when the disease has passed into a more serious stage.

In other cases, conservative treatment is preferred. But you can resort to this only after consulting an experienced doctor who will tell you how to get rid of osteochondrosis in your case. This treatment includes several procedures:
- therapeutic complexes of physical exercises (exercise therapy).
- isometric physiotherapy?
- manual therapy;
- reflexology;
- underwater hot tub;
- various stimuli (magnetic, electric and vibrational).
- laser and ultrasound therapy.
- medical diet;
- psychotherapy;
- the use of drugs.
exercise therapy
These procedures include physical activity that helps treat osteochondrosis. These exercises should be prescribed by a doctor who will tell you in detail how to treat osteochondrosis and choose an individual treatment for you. Osteochondrosis can be of several types (cervical, lumbar, etc. ), therefore, treatment complexes are different. For each type of this disease, special groups of physical exercises have been developed aimed at stimulating exactly that part of the spine that requires it.

Isometric kinesiotherapy
This treatment also includes physical activity, but in addition to exercises it includes various postures with a therapeutic effect, stretches, etc. They are prescribed by a physiotherapist - a doctor whose specialization is the area responsible for physical therapy procedures to be done with osteochondrosis. It is necessary to undergo this procedure under the strict supervision of a doctor, otherwise the goals set may not be achieved or, even worse, a traumatic situation may occur.
Manual therapy
The essence of this process is that the beneficial effect comes from the impact of the hands on any area of the body. A specialist in this field with the help of this treatment can return the vertebrae and intervertebral discs to their normal position, as well as relieve muscle spasms. In addition, this treatment can be prescribed as a means of rehabilitation after surgery. In no case should you try to carry out this procedure yourself or entrust it to one of your relatives and friends. In this case, incorrect or careless movement can harm human health, so the procedure should be carried out only by a professional in this field who knows exactly what needs to be done.
During this process, there is a physical effect on certain parts of the human body. The consequence of this treatment is the removal of pain, improvement of blood circulation, removal of inflammation and spasms, etc. This procedure is carried out in specialized clinics using appropriate equipment.

Underwater hydromassage
This type of massage is performed in a special bath without the influence of hands on the human body. In addition to the fact that the process is pleasant, it also helps to relax muscles, reduce pain and relieve spasms, helps to organize the proper functioning of various body systems. Underwater hydromassage is used not only for the treatment of osteochondrosis, but also for many other purposes: weight loss, skin cleansing, disease prevention and so on.
Magnetic, electrical and vibration stimulation.
With the help of these stimuli, it is possible to improve the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, restore human tissues and organs, etc. This is one of the many ways to treat osteochondrosis. It is worth noting that not all clinics specialize in these procedures, so it will not be easy to find a good clinic that offers these services.
Laser and ultrasound therapy
During these treatments, the body is exposed to laser or ultrasound radiation. The result is tissue repair, improvement of the circulatory system, etc. These treatments can cause changes in the body at the cellular level, so their effect is quite effective.
Therapeutic diet
After the consultation, the doctor will tell you what to do with osteochondrosis, which foods are better to eat and which should be rejected. Following a special diet, the result of other procedures is easier to achieve and better corrected.

The use of drugs
Naturally, the entire treatment process will be accompanied by medication. Without them, the result that can be achieved using special preparations will not be achieved. This is the main part of the treatment, which should never be avoided or ignored.
In order not to have to treat osteochondrosis, it is necessary to do prevention, and the sooner you start doing it, the greater the chances of avoiding this disease. In addition to proper diet and exercise, you should do the following:
- Massage your lower back, back and lower back every morning.
- perform gymnastics, which will include shaking arms and legs, jumping in place, turning the head and pulling on the horizontal bar:
- Take seven minutes during the day to do some physical exercise.
- swim regularly in the pool or river.
Of course, if osteochondrosis has already overtaken a person, then there is no need for prevention. This is where treatment should begin.

The treatment of osteochondrosis involves several procedures. but you can avoid it if you start doing prevention in time.
We must not forget about nutrition. With osteochondrosis, the diet should include foods containing protein, which is simply necessary in large quantities in this case. Mushrooms and animal fats (except butter) will be an exception.
Soups are preferably cooked vegetarian or simply with low fat. for second courses, steamed or baked foods are suitable. the use of various low-fat sauces, spices and seasonings is welcome.
You should exclude (or at least limit) very salty foods (fish, homemade preparations, etc. ), sweet, starchy foods, grapes in all their forms, alcohol, tobacco, as well as strong tea and coffee from the dietyour.
The mass of food consumed per day should not exceed two kilograms, and liquids - no more than one liter.